Saturday, February 26, 2005

A Bag Lady with a home

I've been a bag lady my whole life. No, I'm not minimizing the plight of homeless people. I'm a spiritual and social nomad. And as with many such people on the margins, I'm either ignored or a lightning rod. But I finally came to terms with that. Now I feel free to offer my observations, knowing that most of the time they'll either be ignored or draw wrath. Occasionally they'll resonate in a good way. Sometimes I'll spew wisdom, and sometimes I'll spew madness. Maybe it'll be hard to know which is which. Let's go!


Dwight P. said...

Welcome, Bag Lady, to the Realm of Blogdom -- the ultimate in ... .

I look forward to seeing your thoughts (that's an odd construction)and, I hope, at times disagreeing with them.

You come highly recommended (and I remember a couple of our interchanges).

So, carry on.

Best wishes,
Dwight P

Bag Lady said...

Thank you kindly!

Anonymous said...

Not assured.